Thomas and Leila
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yes we had the babies!
As you might have guessed, we did have our twin girls. We all just arrived home from the hospital on Monday the 21st and I haven't had a chance to update this until now (as you might imagine I'm busy). The girls were born on Monday, July 14th both at 5:53pm. No one gets the claim to fame for being a minute older. Leila is technically the big sister, however. I was admitted to the hospital on Friday the 11th because my blood pressue was high. My doctor was out of town, but wanted me to come in to check my bp since he's been worried about preeclampsia. Since it was still high at the hopsital I got admitted and stayed there throughout the weekend until the induction started at 11pm on Sunday night. The stay was ok, it turns out I did develp preeclampsia. All the nurses kept saying, why are you still pregnant? I guess my doctor wanted me to hold out until he got back into town on Monday. Anyhow, we started the induction on Sunday night late and kept the process going on into Monday. At about 9:00am the doctor broke my water to put an internal lead on Leila's head to better monitor her heart rate and they monitored Alice's with the external dopplar. I got my epidural at about 10:30am and man does pitocin make contractions miserable. The epidural was a good thing. By 4:30 when my doctor checked me after his office hours, I had not progressed much at all and the talk of a c-section started up. I was all for it and ready to just have my babies. We decided that was the way to go. So off to the operating room and out came the babies. Leila was born first and was screaming and perfect. Alice came out a fast second, but had some troubles. Leila weight 5lbs 14oz and Alice weight 6lbs 2.5 oz. They were both born via c-section at 5:53pm. Alice's first breath was full of amniotic fluid and mucous. She was crying, but only scored a 3 on her apgar (not good at all). By the time she was in the nursery she was turning blue and needing some help. Thomas said they quickly got her under an oxygen hood, hooked up an oxygen saturation monitor, and started an IV. They also did a chest x-ray and realized that her right lung was pretty full of fluid. She was in the incubator with oxygen and IV until Saturday the 19th. She didn't get to eat anything until the 19th as well because she was breathing so hard and fast that she'd choke on more fluid. She pulled through and is doing great now. I'm feeding her and I think she's the better eater of the two. Leila is doing great as well. She's very loving and looks into my eyes the whole time she eats (unless she's too sleepy). Here are just a few of the pictures...I'll add more later.
Thomas and Leila
Leila (left) and Alice
Alice (left) and Leila
Alice (left) and Leila
Alice (left) and Leila
Thomas and Leila
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oh my goodness! They are so incredibly precious!!! Glad to hear everything is going well. Congrats to you both. Please tell Thomas I said hello =)
*HUGS* to the both you and the babies!
Congratulations! I guess you heard that I met Thomas' mom at the post office and she shared the news. They are so cute- I can't wait to meet them! I will give y'all more time to adjust but if I can do anything for you, please let me know.
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