Tuesday, June 24, 2008

34 week 1 day appointment with OB

Today I had my 34 week and 1 day appointment with my OB. I gained 4 pounds over the past two weeks. I'm up to 37 pounds total. The doctor said to expect 40 - 45 pounds at the beginning of the pregnancy so I'm on track for that. Hopefully I won't go over it too much. They found the babies heart beats and said they sounded good. One was quieter than the other and the nurse thought a leg might be in the way. Sounds cute. :) They were concerned about my blood pressure today (140/90) and my swelling in ankles and hands. The doctor thinks it's probably pre-eclampsia which is a condition that all pregnant women are at risk for, but more so with multiples. I have to do a 24 hour urine collection starting tomorrow morning and then go in Thursday morning to have my urine analyzed and blook work done. Then I see my OB again Thursday afternoon for a blood pressure check. All of this will aid in the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia or if I just have transient high blood pressure. He said that we'd probably be looking at delivery at 36 or 37 weeks if I have pre-e. Earlier if anything else comes up. I'll keep ya'll posted.

I feel pretty good. I am having contractions pretty frequently, but they are painless and not associated with any other significant symptoms so he's not concerned yet. I did call him on Saturday night right about dinner time (poor guy) just to double check because I was having them so frequently (every 3-5 minutes). He said to just wait them out unless they were painful or I was bleeding.

That's the news. I'll post a picture of me and the belly later tonight!

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